InfoSocial 2017 Conference Program
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
April 7-8
Day One – Friday 4/7 – Frances Searle Building
Workshop (2 – 4 pm, Room 3-220, attendance open to participants only)
Discussants: Brent Hecht (Northwestern) and Maria Mastronardi (Northwestern)
- Lives Lived, Now Live: Identity Performance through Discursive Practice at The Moth
Heidi Zheng, University of Chicago - Community in Cyberspace: Online Iranian NGOs
Mehrnaz Khanjani, Northern Illinios University - Market for Malware: Explaining the Developing Service Sector of Cyber-Crime
Lucas Rebers, Marquette University - The Resonance of Algorithms
Alex Kennedy-Grant, New York University - Question Bridge Black Male, Blackness and Engagement
Abimola Iyun, Southern Illinois University
Poster Session & Light Refreshments (4 pm – 5:30 pm, Atrium)
- Talking About Talk: Coordination in Large Online Communities
Jim Maddock, Northwestern - Why robots and vocal fillers? Ummm, because, uhhhh, it increases social presence and communication competence
Henry Goble, Western Michigan University - “It’s All A Patchwork”: Toward Contest-Sensitive Design of Family Memory Technologies
Jasmine Jones, University of Michigan - Follow the Crowds? A Quasi-Experimental Study of “Social Signal” Effects on Online Design Ratings
Kyosuke Tanaka, Northwestern University
Northwestern MTS/TSB Lab Demos (4 pm – 5:30 pm, Atrium)
Dinner (6:30 pm) – Mt. Everest Restaurant (630 Church Street)
Day Two – Saturday 4/8 – Guild Lounge @ Scott Hall
Breakfast (8:30 am)
Opening Session (9 – 10:30 am)
- Welcome: Barbara O’Keefe, Dean, Northwestern School of Communication
- Keynote: Casey Fiesler, CU Boulder
Internet Rules! What Makes the Internet Great and How Regulation Helps Keep it That Way
Session 1: Behavioral HCI (10:45 – 11:45 am)
Discussant: Casey Fiesler (CU Boulder)
- Young Children and Online Risk Exposure at Home and School
Priya Kumar, University of Maryland - Data Close and Far: Exploring Human-Data Interaction Through the Case of Mobile Work
Christine Wolf, UC Irvine - Rethinking emotional desensitization to violence: Methodological and theoretical insights from social media data
Jianing Li, Devin Conathan, and Ceri Hughes, UW Madison - The Social Lives of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury
Jes Feuston, Northwestern
Lunch (12 – 1 pm)
Session 2: Design/Technical HCI (1:15 – 2:15 pm)
Discussant: Haoqi Zhang (Northwestern)
- Eye-tracking Construal Levels: How Temporal Distance Affects Attention
Minhyand Mia Suh, University of Washington - Improving Query Formulation with Topic Pages: A User-Centered Design Case Study
Florence Lee, JSTOR
- Online Feedback Exchange: A Framework for Understanding the Socio-Psychological Factors
Eureka Foong, Northwestern - Snitches, Trolls, and Social Norms: Unpacking Perceptions of Social Media Use for Crime Prevention
Aarti Israni, DePaul
Session 3: The Sociocultural and the Sociotechnical (2:30 – 4:00 pm)
Discussant: Jim Schwoch (Northwestern)
- Revisiting State Legitimacy: Authoritarian Discourses of China during Social Movements in the 1980s
Tong Ju & Yuhao Zhuang, University of Chicago - Vita Obscura: Obfuscating Biopower
Emma Stamm, Virginia Tech - Social Infrastructures for Civilian Resilience: Evidence from Ukraine
Olga Boichak, Syracuse - The Shifting Landscape of Public Crisis Information Infrastructures
Dharma Dailey, University Of Washington
Session 4: Mini-Unconference Session and Breakouts (4:15 – 5:15 pm)
To close our conference, we will break into small, participant-directed groups to extend the day’s previous conversations around a key guiding question: How can we encourage multidisciplinary perspectives on puzzles that arise from the intersection of people, information, and technology?
Closing Remarks (5:15 – 5:30 pm)
Dinner (6:30 pm) – Prairie Moon (1502 Sherman Avenue)