Please note that this a tentative schedule that is subject to change.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Annie May Swift Hall Peggy Dow Helmerich Auditorium 1920 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 602084:30-5pm: Registration / Check-in
5pm: Welcoming Remarks
Barbara O’Keefe, Professor of Communication Studies, Annenberg University Professor, and Dean of the School of Communication at Northwestern University
Cindy Weng, MTS Doctoral Student
5:15-6:15pm: Keynote Presentation
Introduction: Alan Clark, MTS Doctoral Candidate
Keynote Address: Sara Kiesler, Hillman Professor of Computer Science and Human Computer Interaction, Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Frances Searle Building Second Floor Atrium 2240 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208
7:00: Reception and Dinner
Walk-in lab tours will be offered from 6:30 to 7:30pm.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Norris University Center Wildcat Room 1999 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 602089-9:30am: Breakfast and Opening Remarks
9:30-11am: Panel I: Literacy, Discourse, and Rhetoric
Discussant: Robert Hariman, Northwestern University
Prescribing action or complacency: A model of cyberchondria as rhetorical action
Andrew Cole, Thomas Salek, & Jansen Werner, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“Use your skills to solve this challenge”: Discourse of online micro-action
Carla Ilten, University of Illinois at Chicago
Moving online blogs into the classroom: Capturing the dynamics of affinity spaces for use in high school
Grace Pigozzi, University of Illinois at Chicago
“Twitter, the most brilliant tough love editor you’ll ever have”: Literary literacies, social reading and the Twitter fiction festival (#TFF)
Joachim Vlieghe, Ghent University
11-11:15am: Coffee Break
11:15-12:45: Panel II: Identity, Impression Formation, and Social Networking Sites
Discussant: Zizi Papacharissi, University of Illinois, Chicago
Can you speak up? Examining social influence and opinion expression in social media
Soo Young Bae, University of Michigan
Pinning down pinterest: A platform’s unfinished identity crisis
Tricia England, Northwestern University
Code switching for politeness and identity construction on Facebook
Jody Garcia, University of Pittsburg
Impression formation across multiple SNSs: An extension of warranting theory
Aditi Paul, Michigan State University
12:45-2:15pm: Lunch and Poster Session
Metropolis: The cyborg and the power of ambiguity
Christine Bachman-Sanders, New York University
Impacts of new media and family communication on young adults’ engagement in the democratic process
Chang Sup Park, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Death and rebirth of a salesman: How e-commerce is forcing brick & mortar book stores into a Renaissance
Phillip Foeckler & Dhawal Mujumdar, UC Berkeley
What predicts online health information seeking? Expectancy-value theory
Chih-Wei Hu, University of Southern California
Youth on Youtube: Older Adolescents and User-Generated Substance Use Information Online
Rosalind Koff, Megan Pumper & Megan Moreno, Georgetown University
So, what are you going to do?: Systematic silencing of abortion options in MTV’s 16 & pregnant
Bailey Kelley, University of Illinois at Chicago
Be kind to one another: An historical content analysis of verbal interactions in children’s television
Colleen Russo, Vanderbilt University
Self-regulation behaviors in young children’s use of touch screen apps
Colleen Russo, Charlotte Duncan & Georgene Troseth, Vanderbilt University
Mindfulness in the video game
Carli Vierke, New York University
Exploring the effects of social influence on successive or sequential information communication technology usage for mobile workers
Eric Waters, UT – Austin
Know your network: Learning social networks analysis through meaningful manipulation
David Weintrop, Arthur Hjorth & Uri Wilensky, Northwestern University
2:30-4pm: Panel III: Institutions and Law
Discussant: Christian Sandvig, University of Michigan
Cookies: How a small piece of technology shapes both user privacy and the future of web
Benjamin Hoste, University of Missouri
Legal risk and journalism in the age of cloud computing
Jonathan Peters, University of Missouri
A tale of two cities: A comparative study of government use of social media
Hong Shen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Switzerland of bits: Iceland and radical transparency
A.Jay Wagner, Indiana University
4-4:15pm: Coffee Break
4:15-5:45: Panel IV: Organizations and Technology
Discussant: Jeffrey Treem, The University of Texas at Austin
More than tools: ICTs as structures of opportunity for social movements
Fatima Espinoza Vasquez, Syracuse University
Social media(ted) managers: Social network sites and the identity of professionals
Giulia Ranzini, Universität St Gallen
The use of new media technologies in corporate communication with internal stakeholders
Nur Uysal, Marquette University
Going small: The commodification of personal digital information and the rise of ‘small data’
Nora Draper, University of Pennsylvania
5:50pm: Closing Remarks
Cindy Weng, MTS Doctoral Student
Mt Everest Restaurant 630 Church Street Evanston, IL 60201
6:30-9pm: Reception and Dinner